tisdag, maj 13, 2008
Kör över ISAF!
Enligt referatet hade en stor del av mötestiden ägnats åt de otäcka påhoppen på ISAF-delegater på olika bloggar och i olika sammanhang. Det är naturligtvis det viktigaste; att besluten är åt skogen betyder mindre. Delegaterna kan kanske kan se till att få höjda arvoden som plåster på såren.
Hoppas verkligen att Jacques Rogge kör över ISAF, han verkar vara ovanligt okorrumperad för att vara OS-general.
måndag, maj 12, 2008
Lidingö Runt? Nej varför då?
Corisco är för övrigt den första Corsair som jag importerade till båtmässan "Allt för Sjön" 2005. Eftersom jag inte vågade förvänta mig att någon skulle köpa den så garderade jag genom att beställa en Corsair precis som jag själv ville ha den. I bakfickan fanns en plan att kanske få behålla den. Det fick jag nu inte. Nästa båt blev istället en Corsair 28 CC som vi fick behålla en månad ungefär, tills Johan och Linda Lidén provade henne. "Bling Bling" som vi kallade henne var det också något speciellt med. I Johans och Lindas händer blev hon detta Lidingö Runts bästa Corsair med en fjärdeplats. Nu med namnet "Serenity". Grattis!
Själv seglade jag Weta i år, jättekul men svårt att hitta vinden mellan alla kringliggande jättebåtar.
Genom att skarva fallet med en lina och leda det genom blocket på bogsprötet och
tillbaks till fallwinchen så går det lätt att fälla masten.
fredag, maj 09, 2008
David mot Goliat?
Göran Petersson, vars uttalande om att valet av klasser för London-OS: "..provide a perfect showcase of the wide range and diversity of sailing.." redan blivit en klassiker.
Nu har Dewhirst, uppbackat av ett massivt stöd i den internationella seglarvärlden, skickat ett brev direkt till OS-kommittén där vi helt enkelt ber om att de kör över ISAF. Läs och begrunda. Applådera. Utnyttja dina egna kontakter. Varje halmstrå är viktigt. Beslutet måste rivas upp.
Jaques Rogge, President
International Olympic Committee
Château de Vidy
1007 Lausanne
Cc: Members of the International Olympic Committee
ISAF Council Members
7th May 2008
Dear Mr. Rogge
We ask that IOC intervene to ensure that the 2012 Olympic Sailing Regatta include a Multihull Event so that it genuinely presents “the wide range and diversity of sailing” as claimed by ISAF’s President, Goran Petersson.
Multihulls represent a large branch of the sport, accounting for between a tenth and a third of global participation depending on the basis of calculation and have been part of the Regatta continuously since 1976.
However the Commission now requires that the Regatta be reduced from 11 to 10 Events. Last November ISAF chose to do this by eliminating the only Multihull Event, rather than any of the two Keelboat, two Windsurf or six Dinghy Events.
As explained in our Report, it appears that ISAF did so because multihulls are politically weakest, not least representative, least telegenic or least suitable for the Olympics. In the view of your former colleague and previous ISAF President, Paul Henderson, “The most interesting observation is to see how many MNA's are now saying that their delegates were instructed to vote in the best interest of their specific country winning medals - not in the best interest of our beloved sport. Surprise! Surprise! Holier than thou pontifications are quite hollow methinks.”
In doing so, we believe that Councillors did not vote in the “interests of the sport of yachting throughout the world” as required by Article 41 of the ISAF Constitution, because your 2002 Review of the Olympic Programme provided recommendations on how to interpret this (See Appendix 3).
In general, you recommended that “weight category events should not be allowed, except for the combat sports and for weightlifting”, yet ISAF proposes an Event for 1 Person Dinghy (Heavyweight) and against “similar events” yet ISAF proposes four Dinghy Events for Men.
Specifically you criticised sailing for “low broadcast and spectator appeal”. Your subsequent 2005 Report noted that ISAF had taken steps to increase the appeal of the sport by “introducing faster and more spectacular boats”, yet now it has taken a step backwards by completely excluding the fastest boats of all, namely Multihulls (See Appendix 3).
In addition you also provided guidance on encouraging participation by Women, yet ISAF is increasing its preponderance of Events for Men, by eliminating the only remaining Open Event, which is Multihulls.
You then also noted that “the Keelboat class are very expensive boats …. for general practice and development compared to other classes” and wrote that “if the Executive Board recommends the reduction in the number of athletes and events, the Commission believes these reductions could be made through the exclusion of keelboat sailing events”. Yet ISAF disputed this unambiguous advice.
The leadership of ISAF continues to dispute your recommendations, despite: -
• An appeal from the Royal Yachting Association on behalf of the host nation
• The recommendation of ISAF’s own expert Events Committee
• The independent opinion of the previous ISAF President
• Formal submissions from fifteen of its Member National Authorities
• Unanimous public opinion polls by different yachting journals and websites
Now it proposes a guillotine motion to its Council, which meets on 10-11th May, in order to stop further discussion and “reaffirm” its decision to oppose your guidelines, even though members have the right to place submissions on the agenda for its Annual Meeting in November.
According to a letter of 11th December 2007 to Council members by the outgoing Secretary-General, Arve Sundheim “At the Council meeting on 9 November and prior to making the decision on the ten events for the 2012 Olympic Programme, the ISAF President was explicitly asked by a Council member if there was any IOC guidance which may affect the choice of events. The ISAF President responded that the IOC guidance was to achieve universality, nation participation, medal spread and media appeal. Be assured that if there had been any specific IOC guidance which was new to the table, you would all have been advised in advance”.
We therefore ask that
• As its President did not do so, you remind ISAF Councillors of your specific long-standing guidance, published in August 2002 and May 2005.
• Should Council still exclude any Multihull Event, you postpone the reduction of Events one more time, on the basis that Multihulls would deserve to be included in the Games based on these criteria of “universality, nation participation, medal spread and media appeal”. (Appendix 2 shows what the multihull community achieves independently without ISAF support.)
You have significant influence over ISAF because it has a “very high reliance on Olympic revenues (65%) and a low percentage of its income comes from marketing and broadcasting (10%)” according to your 2005 Report. In the interests of the Olympic Spirit, please use it.
On behalf of 6000+ petitioners from more than 60 countries, including numerous ISAF sailors of the Year, Olympic medallists and other sailing champions, key organisers of our sport, influential media figures and leaders in the yachting industry (See Appendix 1).
Yours sincerely,
Nick Dewhirst